Feeling bored and lonely but hey: two egg yolks in one egg and Zen (February 2023)

Although I was living at so many wonderful places and met a lot of people I felt very bored and lonely these days.

I felt disconnected and bored. Nothing was enough and everything felt “not really right”. The typical human thing, I’d say.

I met a lot of different people, connected with some Rainbow people, chatted with friends, went to a carnival in Limassol, a techno club Nicosia, and in just a few weeks one of my best friends from Germany would come to visit me on Cyprus but still I felt not “good”.

I continued my meditation routine and my online meetings with my online Zen Sangha and despite all the things I learned and had realized I still felt “crooked” and not “right”.

But at some point I could somehow accept whatever was going on with me and although there was something weird in the “background of my mind”, I enjoyed a lot of things. Big and small like these two egg yolks jumping out of an egg.

Instant love for Akamas on Cyprus (February 2023)

In Turkey I had been happy once I had found this awesome nature beach near Datca. After a pretty crowded coast in Turkey it had been the first real nature place.

On Cyprus I felt something similar when I found Akamas (see on Google Maps). This area is just awesome and wonderful and still my favorite on Cyprus.

Rosinante and I had some fun driving the tracks in Akamas which tend to be pretty steep, rocky and sometimes adventurous. The locals call one part of them “devil’s steps”. And it’s one of the rare places where I did not find any pure street Cars of the locals.

I felt very good to be back in nature, enjoyed the hiking, swimming, nature and the straight forward warning signs: “DO NOT TOUCH ANY MILITARY DEBRIS. IT MAY EXPLODE AND KILL YOU”.