A multi-day hike with a fantastic view and a bear in Turkey (June 2023)

Cindy was still resisting to accept her nickname Bengel and suggested the nickname “Lausmadl” instead of “Bengel” but I did not like that one.

We searched on Open Street Map for a hiking route in northern Turkey and found a really good one.

On the first day it was raining a bit but our rain covers, especially Cindy’s natural one, did their job.

At the end of our first day, we found a fantastic place to put our tent and the next day was super nice as well.

After we had reached the summit on the second day, we went all the way down. In total almost 30 km. In the last part, when it started to get dark, we met a very big bear. We were just running down the mountains when we heard him next to us in the woods. We guessed that he was surprised by us and when he started running through the woods. Breaking the branches etc. he made a lot of noise. He was really big.

You can see the first day of our tour in Komoot.

Mission accomplished: a bath in latex-free condoms in Turkey (June 2023)

After we had tried to organize latex-free condoms in dozens of super markets and pharmacies, via couch surfing hosts and friends, and only found one box of latex-free condoms in eastern Turkey, we tried again to find some online.

And then we found Trendyol. It’s a big online meta shop and with this service you can pay with an international credit card, can create an account without a Turkish ID and have your orders sent to thousands of mini markets and other shops in Turkey.

I would strongly recommend checking that web service if you need to get something special in Turkey.