The rainbow mountains and Overland Haven in Georgia (November 2023)

We continued on an off-road route in the direction of Vashlovani National Park. The short off-road track was nice and easy and we saw amazing landscapes and interesting old monasteries.

After the off-road track, we met again with Adela, Alvaro, Roxane and Vincent and together we went to the Overland Haven (see it on Google Maps).

Sarah and Grant were building up the Overland Haven after they came to Georgia from Australia.

Wippel-Woop-Woop-Wipke (aka Nora), a lovely and bit crazy German car traveler, was helping them building up the place.

We helped them installing water pipes and walls and at night we had a big, big Georgian dinner. All together and everybody had contributed something.

It was amazing and a lot of fun. And it was not the last time we would see Wippel.

Crazy climbing on an old Russian monument in Tbilisi (November 2023)

During our stay in Tbilisi, we went to an old Russian monument on which the Georgian climbing community had bolted some crazy routes.

The climbing and scenery were just crazy and very unique. Some handles and steps on the routes were similar to the ones from indoor climbing gyms. Some were wooden and old and some were just tiny pieces of rocks glued to the wall.

The whole monument was about 40 meters high and there were even two Multipitch routes.

After Racki and I went there alone, Adela and Alvaro joined us. And at the famous overlander park spot near the Trinity Cathedral we got to know new friends from France: Roxane and Vincent. They were super nice and together we had a great time climbing and at the parking.