Running and partying in Tbilisi (November 2023)

We went to Tbilisi and met again with Adela and Alvaro. A Russian friend, who we’ve first met while Climbing in Katskhi, had told us about a hill run and Tbilisi and we decided to do it. We signed up for the shortest run (about nine kilometers) and had a lot of fun.

The other day we went to party in Tbilisi and that was super cool as well. My favourite place to hang out and have some drinks was Fabrika.

Shaggy, dance battles and city life in Batumi (August 2023)

We went back to Batumi and met again with our friend Zdenko the tricycle traveler we have met a couple of times in different countries already.

Together we went climbing, living at the beach, and to a dark, rough hard rock bar and let the jukebox play Shaggy. It was hilarious and we had a lot of fun dancing and trying different Chacha shots.

Racki and I went to a small festival at the promenade and had a dance battle with some Georgian teenagers to old Eminem songs! This was at least as hilarious as Shaggy in the hard rock bar.

And we had the best ice cream. A lot of it. At Luca Polare. Give it a try.

All of this 😁