In the mid of March 2022 I found this extraordinary beautiful place. Although parking and camping is forbidden directly at the cove, it’s allowed to stay at the beach right next to it. Between the cove and the beach were I lived for a couple of days, there is a hill with an destroyed fortress on top of it. I hiked up to the fortress, fly around with the drone, meditated, chilled at the beach and helped a guy from Germany who got stucked with his car.
At the beach where I parked Rosinante, there were little areas. Most of them were just big enough for one or two cars. So everybody got his/ her own little space. It was the first time that I camped at a place where a couple of other people were camping since I started my journey in December 2021. The other guys were pretty nice and I talked mostly with a guy from Germany and a young French couple I called “the Frenchy Friends”. It was nice to meet some other travelers and I just recognized, that by meeting other travelers I get to know there home countries. I never thought about that before.
Especially the conversations with “the Frenchy Friends I enjoyed a whole lot. From the first moment on we had very interesting topics and shared a lot of our good and not so good lifetime experiences.