Moving into the Pappartment (January 2024)

After a couple of days in her new job in a small hotel in Gudauri Racki’s bosses offered us to move from Rosinante in a special apartment. For free.

The apartment was used mainly as a storage room. The owner had started to renovate it, ran out of money and so it was only partly renovated. There was no proper floor and because there was a lot of concrete dust, I put cardboard walls on the whole floor. That’s the reason why we called it the Pappartment. “Pappe” is a German word for these cardboard walls. We cleaned and reorganized a lot and then the place got our living space.

In a separate room with glass walls Racki and I established our small living space and after some work on the electric wires etc. we had light and electricity.

And after some installations in the bathroom we had a shower, a toilet with manual bucket-flush, and a shelf.

It was a very different way to live like that but it was very warm and for free. And we had a balcony pointing directly to all the lifts. So we could always check how the weather was and which lifts were running.

Directly under our Pappartment was a rock bar: Old Monkey. We had a lot of fun there but at some point we got a bit crazy about the loud music they were playing mostly every night. And the craziest thing about that was that the same songs got repeated over and over again. I guess for the ordinary guests that was no issue because most of them stay just a couple of days, but we stayed for months and so we developed a serious aversion to Queen songs.